Integration Framework

DXtera’s Integration Framework is designed to facilitate secure, extensible and scalable real-time information exchange between educational enterprise systems and the software applications that require access to the functionality, and information, provided by those systems.

Modular.  Unlike other integration solutions, DXtera’s integration framework is completely modular.  Every component, from the runtime, to the business logic adapters, legacy connectors and native service implementations, can be updated, enhanced or even replaced as required.  This is possible through ubiquitous use of the openly published service contracts at the core of its architectural design.

Member-owned. The DXtera framework is owned and managed by the not-for-profit DXtera Institutesm, consisting of institutional members that share similar challenges, sensitivities and business requirements when it come to digital exchange.  The member-owners of the software solutions and integration adapters means that DXtera has been designed for education, by education.

Extensible. The technology landscape is ever-changing.  Great ideas come and go. To make matters worse, institutional requirements are always evolving to meet the changing demands of faculty, students and communities.  DXtera understands this, and has designed its framework to change and evolve with the times.  

Built for our Business. The DXtera integration framework is not just another ESB or technical integration platform.  It is built to the business models of education institutions. Based on years of domain modeling with input from multiple institutions in multiple countries, DXtera is built on the most complete models of the educational enterprise in the industry.