Data Management Solutions
The value of information comes from its use. The more questions that get answered for more people, the higher the value you are getting from your data. The most valuable questions are the ones that directly affect a business decision. If the information being processed does not change what your organization is doing then it’s really not that helpful.
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Next Generation Education Solutions
The vision of Next Generation Educational Systems is characterized by a departure from traditional, monolithic systems towards ecosystems of educational applications and enterprise infrastructure services that allow for a broadening marketplace of solutions and increased consumer choice.
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Integration Solutions
DXtera’s Integration Framework is designed to facilitate secure, extensible and scalable real-time information exchange between educational enterprise systems and the software applications that require access to the functionality, and information, provided by those systems.
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“Our institutions seek technology solutions to fully realize the power of data, and the DXtera Institute’s consortium of innovators will share technology solutions for common barriers like these.”
Tristan Denley, Ph.D. Former Vice Chancellor, Tennessee Board of Regents and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer, University System of Georgia

Our Members
April 15, 2025 – April 15, 2025 | Zoom
Tuesday Session with Elentra
Closing the Gap between Central It and the Users for Customers of Elentra Please join us to hear from Chris Husser, Head of Product at Elentra, the leading health professions education platform used to manage and deliver curriculum, assess and confirm competencies, and ensure and report on compliance. Chris will share how they have been focused on addressing a critical customer need to close the gap between central IT and the users of their product within institutions. This gap is created by the limitations of most SIS to not process schedule variations in an efficient manner. In concert with DXtera, they have been overcoming the limitation and are amplifying their platform as a more powerful solution for their institutions.