
DXtera Partners with the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce  Foundation

[BOSTON, February 13, 2025] – DXtera Institute and Detroit Drives Degrees (D3) are pleased to announce a collaboration to extend the capabilities and the utilization of the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) Automation Tool among participating institutions in the Detroit region.  

The PDP is a nationwide collaborative data platform, hosted by the National Student Clearinghouse, which helps colleges and universities gain a fuller picture of student progress and outcomes, meet various reporting requirements, including to educational partners, and identify where to focus their resources.

Together with the National Student Clearinghouse, and the participating institution(s), D3 and DXtera are scaling the deployment of reusable automated solutions for submitting PDP files to the Clearinghouse.  

These PDP files, which originate from the institutional systems of record and are a required submission to the Clearinghouse, are frequently difficult to submit without an automated system in place. The PDP Automation Processor, a solution provided by D3 and DXtera, will significantly inform institutional efforts to increase student success by expanding the use of the PDP automation tool and related best practices guidance while substantially reducing the work required by institutions to prepare the requisite PDP files. 

The PDP Automation Processor is an innovative, open-source software solution that has been developed with the collaborators and participating institutions from across the United States.  Approximately 30 institutions will be participating in this project. The developed solution will be available this year, through the organizations participating in this project, to be utilized at scale and at a minimal cost. 

The Detroit Drives Degrees Data Collaborative Initiative would not be possible without DXtera’s ability to provide individualized assistance to our partner colleges,” said Dr. Meghan Schmidbauer, Senior Director of Detroit Drives Degrees. “Their uniquely designed PDP Automation Processor will significantly lessen the burden of data submission for colleges, making the collaborative a reality.”  

“We are pleased to collaboratively develop automated, open-source solutions through the members of our organization and in concert with Detroit Drives Degrees,” noted Dr. Dale Allen, President of DXtera Institute. “The PDP Automation Processor, which can be managed by the institutions, will result in a significant decrease in the staff time and energy required to produce the required files for this national platform and extend their capabilities to address direct student success priorities at their institutions.” 


About DXtera Institute: 

The DXtera Institute is a non-profit, member-based consortium of higher education professionals collaborating to remove technology barriers so that institution leaders, faculty, staff, and students can efficiently access information needed to transform student outcomes. With partners across the U.S. and Europe, the consortium includes some of the brightest minds in education and technology, all working together to solve critical higher education issues on a global scale. Visit for more information.

About National Student Clearinghouse:

The National Student Clearinghouse, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 1993, is the trusted source for and the leading provider of higher education verifications and electronic education record exchanges. Besides working with nearly 3,600 postsecondary institutions in meeting their compliance needs, the Clearinghouse also provides thousands of high schools and districts with continuing collegiate enrollment, progression, and completion statistics on their alumni. For more details, visit

About Detroit Drives Degrees:

Detroit Drives Degrees is the Detroit Regional Chamber’s collective impact initiative that brings together stakeholders from business, philanthropy, government, K-12, and higher education. The Detroit Region’s rapidly evolving economy requires strengthening the talent pipeline. Detroit Drives Degrees seeks to increase the proportion of individuals with college degrees and high-skill credentials in the Region. With only 53% of adults having attained this level of education within the Region, Detroit Drives Degrees’ primary goal is to increase the post-high school attainment rate to 60% by 2030 and cut the racial equity gap in half. Learn more at


For media inquiries, please contact:

DXtera Institute, Inc

Lauren Lopez, VP of Operations


Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation

Dr. Meghan Schmidbauer

Senior Director, Detroit Drives Degrees 


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