
ACT, New England Board of Higher Education Join DXtera Institute

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  DXtera Institute, an international nonprofit, member-based consortium of higher education professionals collaborating to remove technology barriers for institutions and their partners, today announced that ACT and the New England Board of Higher Education(NEBHE), have joined as members of the organization.

ACT joins as a founding member of the consortium for a three-year period and will serve as an advisor to the practitioner-based consortium on its advisory board and technology council. Additionally, ACT will work with DXtera’s members to optimize the digital information exchange between their products and services, allowing ACT clients to better access information across ACT platforms to support student success initiatives.

“Educators, students, and their families depend on reliable, timely information from ACT products and services, and we take that responsibility seriously,” said ACT CEO Marten Roorda. “Through DXtera, ACT will work with leaders across education to address the challenges of exchanging data between product and service systems. Ultimately, excellent information helps students succeed.”

NEBHE became a nonprofit member of DXtera for a two-year period to advance the High Value Credentials for New England (HVCNE) project with the Community College System of New Hampshire and University System of New Hampshire. The HVCNE initiative, in partnership with Credential Engine, focuses on providing solutions to increase the transparency of and access to affordable and relevant credentials to New England’s evolving workforce.

“Students, higher education practitioners, employers and policymakers need better access to real-time credential data to support successful work and life transitions, postsecondary attainment, and hiring needs. By improving institutions’ access to such data, we can help speed publishing to the Credential Registry,” said Michael K. Thomas, president and CEO of NEBHE. “Being a member of DXtera allows us to access the collective expertise of peers across higher education to advance our efforts for students and employers, particularly those in New Hampshire.”

The HVCNE project, funded by Lumina Foundation, will provide individuals, institutions, state policy leaders and employers the tools to develop a common language to describe credentials, determine credentials’ value, identify critical education and employment pipelines, and understand the skills and competencies obtained in earning a credential. DXtera’s experts will collaborate with NEBHE and the New Hampshire systems, to develop an integration solution that will enable credentials to be exchanged between each institution and Credential Engine’s Credential Registry.

“DXtera Institute grew out of the collaborative work between higher education colleagues at institutions in different states, when we realized we were grappling with the same kind of integration challenges across our different information systems,” Dale Allen, Ph.D., founder and president of DXtera Institute. “We recognized how quickly and cost-effectively we could scale solutions when we worked together. Having members like ACT and NEBHE join our consortium will only advance our ability to serve more institutions and partners, leading to greater student success across the nation.”

DXtera Institute was founded in 2016 as an affiliate of Strada Education Network, a national nonprofit dedicated to catalyzing more direct pathways between education and employment. DXtera’s team of experts work with members to increase compatibility and efficiency across their campus information systems. Its members and experts make it possible for data and digital information to be shared, in real time, across ever-changing technology infrastructures, resulting in empowered leaders, faculty, staff and students who can make informed choices with complete information.

Founding and Current members of DXtera include:  ACT, Community College System of New Hampshire, Community and Technical College System of West Virginia, Emsi, Georgia State University, Massachusetts Institute for Technology, New England Board of Higher Education, New Hampshire College & University Council, Strada Education Network, Open University of Catalunya, University of Hawaii System, University of Memphis and a growing list of innovators.

To learn more about DXtera Institute and its members, visit

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About DXtera Institute

DXtera Institute is a nonprofit, member-based consortium of higher education professionals collaborating to remove technology barriers so that institution leaders, faculty, staff and students have efficient access to information needed to transform student outcomes. With partners across the U.S. and Europe, our consortium includes some of the brightest minds in education and technology, all working together to solve critical higher education issues on a global scale. Learn more at

About ACT

ACT is a mission-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people achieve education and workplace success. Headquartered in Iowa City, Iowa, ACT is trusted as a national leader in college and career readiness, providing high-quality assessments grounded in nearly 60 years of research. ACT offers a uniquely integrated set of solutions designed to provide personalized insights that help individuals succeed from elementary school through career. To learn more, visit


Founded by six visionary New England governors in 1955, NEBHE is a regional compact that works with the six New England states to promote greater educational opportunities and services for the its residents of New England. In pursuit of this mission, NEBHE assists leaders with educational practices and policies of regional significance, promotes programs and best practices that support the implementation of regional higher education policies, promotes regional cooperation and shared educational resources, and provides leadership to strengthen the relationship between higher education and New England’s economic well-being.

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